Why Should My Student be Part of UCMB?
The UConn Marching Band experience has been wonderful for our daughter. As an incoming freshman, she arrived a week earlier than the majority of the students allowing her to acclimate to the campus more easily. Additionally, a certain bond develops with the other band members. As a section leader she has shown increased confidence and leadership ability.
Robert Wilhelm
Father of Melissa Wilhelm '13 (Music Education & Performance)
Playing in the UCMB was the highlight of our son’s freshman year! Our entire family enjoyed watching the band perform on campus and at football games, and the friendships our son made as a member of the UCMB will last a lifetime!
Sue & Glenn Reese
Parents of Tyler Reese '13 (Biology)
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FAQs from Parents
What can the UCMB do for my student?
Joining the UCMB will immediately bring your student into a family of 300, providing a small community within a large university setting.
The UCMB provides the opportunity to gain essential leadership and cooperative life skills. Our large alumni base provides a network for future job connections for many members. The “Pride of Connecticut” has led to many opportunities and memories that will truly last a lifetime.
Will my student miss any class?
While it is uncommon, sometimes home football games happen on Thursday or Friday nights. If your student has an evening class, it is their responsibility to share a letter of notification (written by the director) with their instructors. Most professors are willing to accept their absence for this case; students are wholly responsible for maintaining their course work and academic standing, should an excused absence be made.
In the case of a travel opportunity during Pep Band season, students will receive a similar letter from the director that notifies professors of their attendance for a university-approved trip. Once again, it is the student's responsibility to come to an agreement with their instructor for any missed course work.
How will this affect my student’s grades?
Students in the UCMB represent all different majors offered at UConn; engineering, education, music, business, psychology, and computer science to name a few, as well the honors program. Our students have found that participating in band provides structure to the semester, and they have plenty of time and energy for classes, homework, friends, and other university organizations. Students can absolutely maintain exceptional grades as a UCMB member.
I would like to watch the band on game days, where does the band sit?
During the game, the band is usually seated in sections 114 and 115 of Rentschler Stadium