The following FAQs address the questions we often receive from prospective band members. We also have a few FAQs for parents on our Info for Parents page.

Is there an audition process to be a member of the marching band?
The marching band is a no-audition ensemble with the exception of color guard and percussion. See the color guard and percussion pages for more information on audition information!
Can I join with no experience marching?
No experience is required to join the marching band!
What is the cost to join the band?
There is no cost to be a member of any of the UConn Athletic Bands ensembles.
Do I have to join marching band to join pep band?
No, Marching Band is NOT a prerequisite for Pep Band!
How often does the band rehearse?
The marching band rehearses during Preseason (every day for a little over a week before classes start). During the semester, the course MUSI 1108 runsĀ TuThu 4pm-6pm, and Fri 3:35pm-6pm.