2024 Summer Camps
The color guard holds several mini camps throughout the summer to learn new material and prepare for the upcoming season. These camps run from 9:00 a.m to 5:00 p.m. at the UConn, Storrs campus. If you are unable to attend any of these camps, please contact us ASAP.
The band also holds a preseason camp the week before the fall semester begins. This gives band members an added bonus of moving in with ease before the hectic move-in day on campus.
Camp 1 (Auditions) | Saturday, May 25th | 9am – 5pm |
Camp 2 | Saturday, June 8th | 9am – 5pm |
Camp 3 | Saturday, July 13th | 9am – 5pm |
Camp 4 | Saturday, July 20th | 9am – 5pm |
Camp 5 | Sunday, August 11th | 9am – 5pm |
Preseason | Saturday August 18th - Saturday August 24th | Daily Schedule TBA |

During the fall term, rehearsals are scheduled Tuesday and Thursday from 4:00-6:00 p.m., and Friday from 3:35-6:00 p.m. The color guard has an additional rehearsal Tuesday night from 7:00-9:00 p.m. Members of the color guard will receive 1 academic course credit for this extra rehearsal.
Winter Guard
The UConn Winter Guard (UCWG) competes in local circuits such as NESBA and Musical Arts Conference (MAC) during the winter season. Unlike the outdoor marching band season, winter guard is performed indoors, usually in a gymnasium or an indoor arena. Auditions for the Winter Guard take place in late Fall Semester. If you are interested in joining, contact Raven Cantwell (raven.cantwell@uconn.edu) or fill out this form.
Raven Cantwell Color Guard Caption Head raven.cantwell@uconn.edu |
Ilona Farkas Color Guard Instructor ifarkas00@gmail.com |
Aliana Robichaud Color Guard Instructor alicat467@gmail.com |